View Full Version : Typical Cleaning:

12-04-2010, 03:24 PM
PreStart: For pine sap/bug guts

Start off with this: good car soap/ NEVER USE DISH SOAP

Pouring that into bucket: (your choice on size)

Apply by using this: car wash broom... helps pass time quicker or makes it easier to wash the car twice lol

Rinse with hose:

Then dry using:

Added Care: using both of these together spray on mist

Addition Care: Use liquid & hard claybar from time to time/ wash in between applications

For Tires: also can use in engine bay to make that shine

Windows: or anything else honestly

Probably Seasonally you'll want to wax it: carnuba/synth wax first then regular white wax for a good polish
http://image.superchevy.com/f/8995648/0606sc_14_z+auto_detailing+meguiars_paste_car_wax. jpg

Leather cleaner and interior shiner
http://image.trucktrend.com/f/17863626+w750+st0/163_0902_product_spotlight_01z+meguiars_supreme_sh ine+protectant_bottle.jpg


Shop Vac:

12-04-2010, 03:38 PM
i also use that same glass cleaner on my 300 :gr_grin:

Crazy J
12-04-2010, 06:40 PM
Rubbing alcohol huh? Does it work well? I didn't think that was paint safe.

12-04-2010, 11:04 PM
idk if its paint safe or not... i dab some on a microfiber towel and it takes sap off real well... i only use it because summer time i park at a camp ground and my car gets covered with that. Not sure why i dont use my car cover but i make sure i still quik wax it and all and it still looking clean and sharp for how many miles i've gone and being 5 years old...
still get compliments on how clean it looks and sometimes people amazed its still in 05 lol

12-05-2010, 02:31 PM
I use BND washer fluid to remove grime, when on the go. Before show, I wash with Dawn to remove old wax and grime. Then I use meguiars #7 to revitalize color, then Zaino wax for shine and depth. Finish off with Zaino quick wax spray. I also use zaino tire shine, ZEP foam glass cleaner and Quantum Blue vynil, leather and plastic cleaner and conditioner.

Oh, I also use Quantum Blue anti-corrosion after the the car is cooling down, to remove aluminum rust and give it that dull shine.

Crazy J
12-08-2010, 02:12 PM
idk if its paint safe or not... i dab some on a microfiber towel and it takes sap off real well... i only use it because summer time i park at a camp ground and my car gets covered with that. Not sure why i dont use my car cover but i make sure i still quik wax it and all and it still looking clean and sharp for how many miles i've gone and being 5 years old...
still get compliments on how clean it looks and sometimes people amazed its still in 05 lol
Hey, not judging. I'm always open to an easier way to get that "tough to remove" crap off my car that doesn't involve high costs & shipping. I may try it.