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-   -   Working on the new Charger SRT8 Danko Front spoiler!! (http://www.lxowners.com/forum/showthread.php?t=261)

MoPower 10-28-2010 02:34 PM

Working on the new Charger SRT8 Danko Front spoiler!!
Keep this thread close by, this project will come together quickly!!


MoPower 11-09-2010 09:21 PM

Spoiler Design In Progress- Feedback Needed!!


MoPower 11-12-2010 10:16 AM

I decided to extend the spoiler all the way to the back now and I'll tell you this spoiler is looking really good now, but I can't find the battery charger for my camera. This spoiler will be nearly done today, should have the mould made by the end of next week if I can find the time to work on it between all the other projects I'm working on.

BOS/SRT 11-17-2010 04:37 PM

Mo, YOUR KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! pix please! talk to you soon...

MoPower 01-12-2011 12:43 AM

Here is the latest progress on the Srt8 Front spoiler: The mould laminate is finished but I still have to make
the end cap moulds since this is a 3 piece mould. Looks Like it will be done soon. Since this is a really easy item
get into production since there is no complicated enginerring to figure out (unlike the diffuser) These should be in
production in just a couple weeks. Because of this, I'm ready to start taking orders. The price is $195+$55 shipping
Cont USA which makes it an even $250 delivered. Between all three forums that I'm on, I am only taking 10 initial orders, so
whoever want one of the first 10 let me know.




MoPower 01-12-2011 04:56 PM

SRT8 Charger Front Spoiler GB -- 2 spots left!

a.) OKCharger (z)(L/A)------------->form sent-->submitted
b.) Chilly20 (z)------------------>form sent-->submitted--->paid (#3)
c.) BBanks (z)(p/matte blk)-------->form sent-->submitted--->paid (#1)
d.) ChargerFan12 (z)(p/matte blk)-->form sent-->submitted--->paid (#2)
e.) de la nooch (s)---------------->form sent-->submitted--->paid (#4)
f.) SRTLUVR (lx)------------------->form sent
g.) Ed O (lx)---------------------->form sent-->submitted
h.) Firewall----------------------->form sent

MoPower 01-13-2011 12:23 PM

a.) OKCharger (z)(L/A)-------------->form sent--->submitted--->p/paid (#5)
b.) Chilly20 (z)----------------------->form sent--->submitted--->paid (#3)
c.) BBanks (z)(p/matte blk)--------->form sent--->submitted--->paid (#1)
d.) ChargerFan12 (z)(p/matte blk)-->form sent--->submitted--->paid (#2)
e.) de la nooch (s)------------------->form sent--->submitted--->paid (#4)
f.) SRTLUVR (lx)--------------------->form sent--->submitted--->paid (#7)
g.) Ed O (lx)------------------------->form sent--->submitted
h.) Firewall-------------------------->form sent
i.) SRTAndy------------------------->form sent--->submitted--->paid (#6)
j.) Charger Mark-------------------->form sent
k.) chocolatecornbread------------->form sent--->submitted

MoPower 02-09-2011 09:11 PM

the Srt Front Spoiler and Eyelids moulds are almost done!! Next I'll be sanding and buffing the moulds and the first ones should be popping out in a very short time


Shaggy 02-10-2011 01:45 PM

Nice work! What else are you planning on doing?

BOS/SRT 05-17-2011 05:18 PM

Stoked! My Danko SRT Chin Spoiler was just dropped off by UPS. Missed him yesterday and wasn't going to let that happen today. Unfortunately I won't install anytime soon, since it's been cold/raining and forecast straight through the weekend. This sucks! I'll figure out away to get it done sooner. No fun trying to paint in the 50's. Someone said summer was coming, sure as he'll doesn't feel that way. :(

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